Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Associate Senior member membership level.

The following groups can become associate members:

  • Those affiliated with one of the 12 participating universities, but with another department/faculty than those found through the link above – such as an ‘University Medical Center’ or a department of law or political sciences.

  • Those affiliated with another university than the 12 participating universities, such as Wageningen University or Open Universiteit Nederland.

  • Those affiliated with a non-Dutch university and who wish to have a professional affiliation with the Dutch academic philosophical community.

Membership fee:

Associate Senior members pay €50/year per person. Note: Associate Senior Members who want to cancel their membership should inform the OZSW office before the 1st of November. Otherwise, the OZSW will send the membership invoice for the following year.

The price for membership is 50,- Euro per Year.

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